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We are a community of Laotian people that volunteer our hearts and efforts to create a place of worship for the believers and followers of Buddha. 


According to Lao traditional culture and moral beliefs, “we may integrate with other cultures, but we still maintain and practice our old traditions and Buddhist beliefs." Our ancestors encouraged Buddhism upon us since ancient times. The practice of Buddhism has eased our minds still to this day.

Discover the fruits of hard work and determination of the Laotian community that got them to where they are now.
It is important to practice the appropriate mannerisms of the Lao culture and Buddhist traditions when visiting the Wat.
Any sort of donation is always welcomed, whether it is your time or financial support! There is always continuous development and expansion at the Wat.

Wat Lao Veluwanaran of Ontario (also known as Wat Lao Veluwanh) is a Lao Buddhist temple found on the outskirts of the Greater Toronto Area in a small town of Caledon East. It services the Lao Buddhist community with religious, educational, moral and social purposes.


Please stay up to date with any events happening at the Wat.

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